Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gardenia carinata ( Kedah Gardenia)


  1. I have always love gardenia in general. But this particular one Gardenia Carinata is so beautiful. I found the bush type of this Gardenia recently at a nursery near my home at Kinrara Highway to Puchong.

    I was living in Hawaii from 1995 to 2003. Around year 2000 to 2001, this Gardenia was so popular whenever there's a huge plant sales from the Nurseries in Hawaii. I found the below website recently for you to see. (

    I hope Gardeners and Plant Nurseries in Malaysia learn from Hawaii how they managed to commercialize a tree gardenia to become a bushy potted plant. It was just so beautiful.

    When I went to a Plant show at UPM many years ago, many of them said were unfamiliar with the bushy type of this gardenia. I realized that they just don't really care the value that this species can bring to us.

    The one that I just bought for my garden was brought down from Thailand and not as healthy as the one in Hawaii. (

    Dwen Ujang
